Rick and Morty: Season 1

Rating: โญโญโญโญโญ

Episode 1: I’ve been looking for something to fill the gap left by futurama for some time now, and this may be it.

Episode 2 - 5: Still going strong.

Episode 6: One of my favorite episodes so far. A story that started out so simply cause me to experience such a plethora of emotions in only 20 minutes. Amazing!

Episode 7: Not one of the best episodes so far. The little clip at the very end was probably my favorite part.

Episode 8: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Original television. Super creative. Dozens of hilarious skits all in 20 minutes! Lesson taught and learn. References to previous episodes. Super meta. Even the post episode clip was hilarious. Best episode so far.

Episode 9: Another really solid episode. Had a very futurama feel to it, which I obviously cannot complain about.

Episode 10: As a big fan of parallel universes and time-travel movies, this definitely satisfied my craving. I’d like to see that brilliant Morty at some point in the future again.

Episode 11: Amazing first season! Would not have changed a single thing.

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