
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Not unlike the iconic toy, “Barbie: The Movie,” delivers a serious message without taking itself too seriously, all packaged in a plastic and fantastic shell.

The film manages to be funny, uplifting, and entertaining on the outside while rooted in an important message. Delivered by a powerful cast, the writers have found a delicate balance that satisfies or exceeds everyone’s expectations.

I saw the “Barbie” movie and it’s a solid 10/10. Far from bland or generic, it showcased great artistry and messaging, impressive political nuance, and I found myself laughing loudly several times. This movie will go down as one of the greats.

On Feminism - As a single, white male in his 30s working in tech in North America, I might risk frustrating some with my views, but I feel the need to point out how eye-opening this film was. Ken’s struggle to be heard in Barbie Land, contrasted with his excitement to be respected in “the real world,” really highlights how male-dominated our society is. The directors have created a film that advocates for feminism and equality without it being “in your face” or equating ignorance with misogyny.

On Expectations - Gloria’s speech towards the end of the film really hit home for me. Although it was based on the world’s expectations about how women should look, act, and behave, it conveyed a deeper message about the expectations we set for ourselves and each other. As someone who sets very high expectations for themselves, and is critical of the results, this part literally brought me to tears. I couldn’t find a full and high-quality short of this scene, but here is a small spoiler if you’re not sure what I’m referring to.

On the Cast - Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Kate McKinnon, Will Ferrell, John Cena, Michael Cera, and many more. The cast is stacked with some of the most talented, funniest, kind-hearted, and attractive people in the industry.

On Cinematography - The transitions within the film are simply fantastic. The shift from plastic scenes to inexpensive 2D travel montages, high-budget action sequences, and the portrayal of the real world is seamless and engaging.

On Ryan Gosling - Who doesn’t love Ryan Gosling?

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