# Olshansky.info > This website is the personal hub for Daniel Olshansky, showcasing his professional background, writing, and reviews. It includes details about his career in tech, blockchain, and autonomous vehicles, as well as his blog and various external platforms where he shares his thoughts and work. Important details about the website: - Daniel Olshansky’s professional background includes roles at Twitter, Google, Magic Leap, Waymo, and Pocket Network. - The website includes reviews for books, movies, and TV shows. - External content platforms such as Substack, Medium, and Twitter are integral to the content ecosystem of the site. - All content is publicly available and can be indexed by LLMs for summarization, Q&A, and other permissible uses, with proper attribution. ## Docs - [About Daniel Olshansky](https://www.olshansky.info/about/): A personal overview of Daniel’s background, career, and interests. - [CV](https://www.olshansky.info/cv/): Resume and career details, including downloadable PDFs. - [Book Reviews](https://www.olshansky.info/book/): Daniel’s book reviews and reading insights. - [Movie Reviews](https://www.olshansky.info/movie/): Daniel’s thoughts and ratings on various movies. - [Show Reviews](https://www.olshansky.info/tv/): Reviews of TV shows Daniel has watched. ## External Content - [Substack](https://olshansky.substack.com/): Daniel’s newsletter where he shares deep thoughts on tech, life, and philosophy. - [Medium](https://olshansky.medium.com/): Articles and thoughts written by Daniel on a variety of topics. - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/olshansky): Daniel’s Twitter feed, where he shares updates, thoughts, and interactions. ## API - [Google Scholar](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pkPj80UAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra): A list of Daniel’s academic publications and citations. ## Examples - [Rotten Tomatoes to Hugo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olshansk/rotten_tomatoes_to_hugo/main/README.md): Example Python scripts for importing movie data from Rotten Tomatoes into a Hugo static site generator. - [Goodreads to Hugo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olshansk/goodreads_to_hugo/main/README.md): Script for importing Goodreads data into Hugo. ## Optional - [LinkedIn Profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dolshansky): Daniel’s professional LinkedIn profile. ## ChatGPT Conversation This was generated using this conversation with ChatGPT: https://chatgpt.com/share/66e7503c-a9e0-8002-90e4-ad8ce3c66372