Silicon Valley: Season 3

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟

Episode 1 Link to heading

It’s back with the same characters, stories and humor. Satirical jokes that developers can relate to but are funny to everyone. Exactly why I watch this show.

Episode 2 Link to heading

Hilarious and real to a degree that’s slightly too real.

Episode 3 Link to heading

Amazing episode. I could not constrain my laughter throughout. While a lot of what happens is quite exaggerated, the fact that there is a seed of reality is what makes it. The recruiting bit in particular was on point.

Episode 4 Link to heading

While I do love the reality of this show, it has started to fade in favor of more exciting absurd situations. The company no longer has a CEO!? Bighead magically got $20MM and started an incubator. The characters are as entertaining as funny as always and I just can’t wait to see how everything plays out. It’s also worth mentioning that the show probably tries to appeal to the envy of a lot of developers by portraying the Piper Piper team as a bunch that just “can’t do a bad job” when they were building the box.

Episode 5 Link to heading

While not one of the best episodes of the season, it was definitely an emotional rollercoaster. Richard embarrasses himself and gives up and almost loses his CEO position, and to get a better story from big head so that his is spiked. Almost all of PiedPiper’s IP gets released into the public, only for Gilfoyle to be a badass and show everyone how it’s done.

Episode 6 Link to heading

It was cool to see Alcatraz on the show given that I was there only a week; it shows how close the show is to home. I’m glad Big Head is going bankrupt because I felt like there was an undertone expressing that $20 MM is an endless amount of money, but given how Erlich was wasting it, it couldn’t have lasted that long. I’m pretty upset that Richard fucked it up with the girl from Facebook, but it was otherwise not their strongest episode this season.

Episode 7 Link to heading

I feel a sense of sympathy for Erlich, a sense of respect for Gilfoyle, a sense of sadness for Big Head, and a sense of excitement for Richard. You could say it was an emotional episode.

Episode 8 Link to heading

Fantastic episode! Loved seeing Richard in a very realistic newscast. I feel extremely bad for Erlich, as well as Ronald Wayne (ex-owner of 10% of Apple), after doing some follow-up research. Also, as a Twitter employee, there was a sense of excitement seeing Dick Costolo in the show where I know that his background in comedy and tech probably blend very well.

Episode 10 Link to heading

A great way to finish off the season. I love the sense of realism in the show, ranging from uber, to food, to the importance of users, etc… Very financially accurate as well in regard to all the dealings associated with sock.

Overall, I’m really excited about how things ended, with Bachmanity buying the company and a new company structure to look forward to next year. :) Man, what an emotional rollecoaster though.

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