Game of Thrones: Season 6

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Episode 1: Can’t express my excitement about the fact that the time has come for another season. It’s no secret that this was a setup episode that touched on and recapped many different stories without delving into any one in a ton of detail. Nonetheless, it was great and enjoyable.

Episode 2: Another great episode, but nothing particular to add. It’s nice to see Bran again after it’s been so long. I’m extremely glad John Snow is back. Can’t believe what Remsey is doing…

Episode 3: Loving the new John Snow and the flashbacks. I’d like to point how amazing the cinematography is. It always looks right and appropriate, and is something I think the audience often takes for granted.

Episode 4 Link to heading

I finally got what I was looking for!

I absolutely loved Daenerys’s rebirth as she soon like a God in the burning flames. She has been mistreated and mistrusted the past little while, and I feel that at times even she lost faith in herself. However, we now see that she is as strong as ever. Tyrion’s skillset is still undervalued as he is essentially governing the state while the Queen is gone. Little finger is finally back and seems to have a complete hold over the Vale. John snow and Sansa’s reunion was extremely touching. This was an episode filled with both emotion adn power and moved a few plot lines very far along.

Episode 5 Link to heading

Amazing episode! Definitely the best episode of the season so far.

I’m glad to see Aria’s story progress a bit, but what we see is that she well never become a “no one”. She will never forget her past, and she will never blindly follow orders. I’m curious to see where her plot line takes her.

Daenerys and Jorah finally make up in what is a very confusing friend-friend, father-daughter, lover-lovedone relationship. This is a great opportunity for Tyrion to finally showcase his leadership skills. He is one of my favorite characters and I can’t wait for him to get the credit he deserves.

The Greyjoys are finally trusting each other and taking action. I’m glad that Theon finally got his tonge back. Unfortunately there are some things he just won’t be able to get back…

The last season was simply stunning. An action packed thrilling runaway scene, intertwined with the deaths of many characters (the tree dwellers, the old man who lives in the tree, Hodor…), that flips back and forth between the present and a flashback that tells us the story of how Hodor got his name along with the fate that awaited him all these years. So much in such a shorter scene, but it was so well done that I was left speechless.

Episode 6 ——————— The biggest question I have after watching this episode is where the hell is Aria’s plot going to take her? What’s her role going to be in the grander scheme of all of this?

Episode 7 Link to heading

John is slowly building an army building up the anticipating for the battle ahead. Arya looks like she’s about to die. The hound’s anger keeps accumulates furthermore even as he tries to find peace. Jaime is being a boss, and Margeary has a plan. Just another typical episode of Game of Thrones.

Episode 8 Link to heading

The hound is transforming, in a good way. I think there is an imminent reunion between him an Arya in the very near future. Speaking of Arya, it was a great sense of relief to see that she has been able to escape the many faced gods and will be able to return, stronger and faster, to her home. As always, Tyrion doesn’t let me down and keeps kicking ass; in a metaphorical sense.

Episode 9 Link to heading

As always, the second last episode of the season does not disappoint. An epic display of power by Daenerys. An eloquent message from Tyrion. An unbelievably amazing fight scene against the boltons that made me feel like I’m really there, on the battle field! I have no words to describe how realistic this felt. A phenomenal performance act of swordsmanship, courage and stupidity by John Snow. A lovely surprise from Sansa, and proof that she’s not just giving in to the men around her, but is smarter than most people think. She literally saved the day! It was sad to see the wildling giant die, but for Rickon I had less compassion since I barely knew him. The giant, on numerous occasions was a huge contributor to victory and he will not be forgotten. Can’t say I was upset that the hounds did not go hungry :)

I think everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone, can agree that this episode was unreal.

Episode 10 Link to heading

Man, what an amazing episode.

I think this is the best season finale the series has had so far. The second last episode was always very climactic, but the season finales usually just tied up a few loose ends. This one did indeed tie up some loose ends as well, but in a much more grandiose manner.

Cersei just blew everyone up, and I would not have seen that from a million miles away. It was so exciting! The faith is entirely gone, and only the crown is left to rule. The music and tone accompanying this turn of events was very quite, relaxing, but not gloomy at all so it was hard to anticipate what was going to happen. The computer graphics, and the way the kid lured a member of the faith to the underground chambers was perfect. Everything progressed at a very good pace and the finale did not disappoint. I also can’t believe Toman was so broken by the explosion that he decided to take his own lice. Cersei and Jamie have nothing to live for anymore, so I can’t really tell where their story is going to progress. The Lannisters and Baratheon no longer have any throne (though I guess Jamie is still young enough to marry), and the opposing forces, with much more rightful kings and queens are on their way with very strong armies.

Daenerys and Tyrion are doing their thing while developing a close relationship. I’m glad they’re finally on a ship and ready to sail to the 7 kingdoms.

John Snow. John Stark? John Targaryen? A man who dwindles in both and ice. The king of the North. The keeper of the wall? An all around general badass. He’s finally getting the respect he deserves. My only concern is why Sansa wasn’t happy when she saw him getting support from everyone else. After all, she herself said that she sees him as a Stark, but did her mind change? Did she imagine herself by Littlefinger’s side sitting on the iron throne? I really hope they don’t turn on each other.

Amazing season that far exceeded any expectations I had, which were pretty high to start with.

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