Midnight Special

Rating: โญ๐ŸŒŸ

I saw this on a flight from SFO to YYZ and think this movie was a waste of time.

We’re introduced to a bunch of characters we learn nothing about. There is little to no background on them, and absolutely no character development either. I felt disconnected from all of them and never seemed to care.

The plot is dry and simple: get the kid with visions from point A to point B for no apparent reason. I never understood if he’s human or not? Is he the biological child of whom he calls mom and dad or is there more to the story? What is this other world and how is it connected to the one we live in? Why is it so important for him to join them? Many people lost there lives or freedom just so this kid can join others like him, and we never learn why. He doesn’t seem to even be a prophet or savior in any way, but just an individual that belongs to a different species, so why value his life moreso than ours?

It was not suspenseful or intriguing in any sense. There was very little surprise because it was always clear how things would turn out in the end.

A couple cool scenes, raw ideas and nice visual effects from far from saving this movie.

๐Ÿ… Rotten Tomatoes Info ๐Ÿ